Open data according to PD-6247
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Annual report of Central Bank 2022 Article 15 of the Law “On the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan” provides that the annual report of the Central Bank must be submitted to the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan no later than May 15. The annual report is published on the official website of the Central Bank after its consideration by the Senate of the Oliy Majlis. |
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Information on public procurement, including goods (works, services) purchased by individuals and entities engaged in public procurement under direct contracts) |
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Information about the goods (works, services) to be purchased from the State Budget, state trust funds and non-budgetary funds of budgetary organizations (not less than 6 months before the announcement of the purchase) Article 3 of the Law “On the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan” provides that the Central Bank carries out its expenses at the expense of its income. The Central Bank is not financed from the state budget and state special funds. |
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Decision on approval of the composition of the procurement commission |
Information about the members of the procurement commission of the Central bank of Uzbekistan |
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Information about each audit and inspection carried out (name of an object of control, purpose and terms of a control measure, position, last name, name of a government employee who conducted it) with the protection of information constituting state or other secrets protected by law (after notifying the head of the relevant supervisory body) |
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Information about the management body of state enterprises under the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
*Article 20 of the Law on the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan provides for the accountability of enterprises owned by the Central Bank to the management of the Central Bank (the creation of a Supervisory Board is not provided for) |
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Information about enterprises with state participation, as well as automobiles, service housing and other immovable property held by legal entities belonging to these enterprises
GPO “Davlat Belgisi” |
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Information on the responsible employees of the bodies by region, authorized to issue licenses and permissive documents, and accept notifications, including the members of the relevant commission |
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Holders of license and authorization documents |
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Information about public councils under state bodies and organizations, including:information about the approved members of the public council, as well as their contact information (phone, mail and e-mail);meetings of the public council and the agenda items
Articles 18-19 of the Law “On the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan” stipulate that the supreme body of the Central Bank is the Board of the Central Bank. The Board of the Central Bank consists of nine people. |
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BOARD MEETINGS PLAN of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the first half of 2025
BOARD MEETINGS PLAN of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the first half of 2024 |
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Information about legal entities and individuals who received on the basis of public-private partnership land plots and other property transferred for permanent use to state bodies |
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Information on foreign direct investments attracted by business entities, with a state share of the Cabinet of Ministers, ministries and agencies, transferred to external or trust management
In the Central Bank system there are no business companies with a state share transferred to external or trust management. |
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Information about the name, type of activity, functions and powers of government institutions included in their composition, as well as information about their heads |
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Information on the main technical indicators and other project documentation of projects financed from the State budget and international financial institutions, including promising investment and infrastructure projects Article 3 of the Law “On the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan” provides that the Central Bank carries out its expenses at the expense of its income.
There are no projects in the Central Bank system financed by the state budget or international financial institutions. |
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Information about the internal departmental procedure of the procurement commission (regulations, instructions or other intradepartmental act) establishing procedures for public procurement in government bodies and organizations |
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Information about vacancies in central, regional organizations and system organizations, conditions of employment, requirements for candidates, documents to be submitted |
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Information about grants and social contract projects provided by government bodies and organizations to non-governmental non-profit organizations, including non-governmental non-profit organizations that won and reports on the work they carried out within the framework of the order Article 6 of the Law “On the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan” prohibits the Central Bank from providing financial assistance to third parties. The Central Bank does not provide grants to non-governmental non-profit organizations and does not have social procurement projects |