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Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

Data release calendar within the framework of e-GDDS

Update date:  12 Dec 2022, 15:17
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Data release calendar within the framework of e-GDDS

Data category Criteria for formulating and publishing reports 2023 year 2024 year
January February March April May June July August September October November December January
Financial sector
Depository corporations (banking system) survey Publication date 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Reporting date (01.01.2023) (01.02.2023) (01.03.2023) (01.04.2023) (01.05.2023) (01.06.2023) (01.07.2023) (01.08.2023) (01.09.2023) (01.10.2023) (01.11.2023) (01.12.2023) (01.01.2024)
Other depository corporations (commercial banks) survey Publication date 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Reporting date (01.01.2023) (01.02.2023) (01.03.2023) (01.04.2023) (01.05.2023) (01.06.2023) (01.07.2023) (01.08.2023) (01.09.2023) (01.10.2023) (01.11.2023) (01.12.2023) (01.01.2024)
Central bank survey  Publication date 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Reporting date (01.01.2023) (01.02.2023) (01.03.2023) (01.04.2023) (01.05.2023) (01.06.2023) (01.07.2023) (01.08.2023) (01.09.2023) (01.10.2023) (01.11.2023) (01.12.2023) (01.01.2024)
Interest rates Publication date 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Reporting date (12.2022) (01.2023) (02.2023) (03.2023) (04.2023) (05.2023) (06.2023) (07.2023) (08.2023) (09.2023) (10.2023) (11.2023) (12.2023)
Financial soundness indicators Publication date 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Reporting date (01.01.2023) (01.02.2023) (01.03.2023) (01.04.2023) (01.05.2023) (01.06.2023) (01.07.2023) (01.08.2023) (01.09.2023) (01.10.2023) (01.11.2023) (01.12.2023) (01.01.2024)
External sector
Balance of payment of the Republic of Uzbekistan  Publication date     28     28     28     28  
Reporting period     (Q4/2022)     (Q1/2023)     (Q2/2023)     (Q3/2023)  
International investment position of the Republic of Uzbekistan Publication date     28     28     28     28  
Reporting period     (Q4/2022)     (Q1/2023)     (Q2/2023)     (Q3/2023)  
External debt Publication date     28     28     28     28  
Reporting period     (Q4/2022)     (Q1/2023)     (Q2/2023)     (Q3/2023)  
Exchange rate Publication date 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Reporting date (01.01.2023) (01.02.2023) (01.03.2023) (01.04.2023) (01.05.2023) (01.06.2023) (01.07.2023) (01.08.2023) (01.09.2023) (01.10.2023) (01.11.2023) (01.12.2023) (01.01.2024)
International reserves Publication date 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Reporting date (01.01.2023) (01.02.2023) (01.03.2023) (01.04.2023) (01.05.2023) (01.06.2023) (01.07.2023) (01.08.2023) (01.09.2023) (01.10.2023) (01.11.2023) (01.12.2023) (01.01.2024)
* if the publication date of the data falls on a day off, the data will be published on the first working day after the day off.
USD = 12600.05
EUR = 13605.53
RUB = 143.17
GBP = 16065.06
JPY = 78.14
CHF = 13992.28
CNY = 1733.04
All currencies
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