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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

Schedule of required reserves maintenance and settlement period

Update date:  3 Jan 2024, 10:19
Calendar compilation and calculation periods of required reserves of commercial banks to be deposited with the Central Bank for 2024
Month Calculation days Number of compilation days Compilation period
2023 December 08.01.2024-10.01.2024 28 11.01.2024-07.02.2024
January 05.02.2024-07.02.2024 28 08.02.2024-06.03.2024
February 04.03.2024-06.03.2024 28 07.03.2024-03.04.2024
March 01.04.2024-03.04.2024 35 04.04.2024-08.05.2024
April 06.05.2024-08.05.2024 28 09.05.2024-05.06.2024
May 03.06.2024-05.06.2024 28 06.06.2024-03.07.2024
June 01.07.2024-03.07.2024 35 04.07.2024-07.08.2024
July 05.08.2024-07.08.2024 28 08.08.2024-04.09.2024
August 02.09.2024-04.09.2024 35 05.09.2024-09.10.2024
September 07.10.2024-09.10.2024 28 10.10.2024-06.11.2024
October 04.11.2024-06.11.2024 28 07.11.2024-04.12.2024
November 02.12.2024-04.12.2024 35 05.12.2024-08.01.2025

USD = 12600.05
EUR = 13605.53
RUB = 143.17
GBP = 16065.06
JPY = 78.14
CHF = 13992.28
CNY = 1733.04
All currencies
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