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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

Current reserve requirement ratios and averaging coefficient

Update date:  14 Apr 2022, 10:45
(From August 5, 2021y - Until now)
Type of liabilities   Reserve requirement normatives
     1      2
 Deposits of legal entities in national currency*      4%
 Deposits of legal entities in foreign currency      18%
 Deposits of individuals in national currency*      4%
 Deposits of individuals in foreign currency      18%
 * The average coefficient (0,8) is applied to these types of liabilities  
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Reserve requirement ratios

USD = 12600.05
EUR = 13605.53
RUB = 143.17
GBP = 16065.06
JPY = 78.14
CHF = 13992.28
CNY = 1733.04
All currencies
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