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Main office of the Central Bank
Contact number (+998 71) 212-62-05

Schedule of Board meetings to review policy rate

Update date:  3 Jan 2024, 17:26

Schedule of the Board meetings of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan to consider the key policy in 2024

In 2024, meetings of the Board of the Central Bank to revise the policy rate will be held according to the following schedule:

         January 25;

         March 14;

         April 25;

         June 13;

         July 25;

         September 12;

         October 24;

         December 12.

Following all the Board meetings, a press release of the Central Bank is to be published on the official website of the Central Bank.

Also, there will be a press conference with the Central Bank management on the results of the main meetings on January 25, April 25, July 25 and October 24, and the "Monetary Policy Review" will be announced.

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