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What are Monetary policy operations?

Update date: 24 Nov 2022, 16:27

Main operations of monetary policy

In order to achieve the goal of ensuring price stability and increase the efficiency of the interest rate channel of the transmission mechanism, the Central Bank conducts monetary policy operations.

Monetary operations are directed to the management of short-term interest rates by regulating the general liquidity of the banking system.

The Central bank carried out these operations on the basis of the interest corridor mechanism and ensure the formation of money market interest rates in a corridor of ± 2% compared to the policy rate.

Operational mechanism of Central Bank





Interest rate


Liquidity provision operations

REPO auctions

On 7 days
(every Monday)
(11:00 - 11:30)

Policy rate

Provision of temporary shortage of liquidity in the banking system

SWAP auctions

On 7 days
(every Monday)
(11:30 - 12:00)

Overnight REPO

For 1 day
(10:00 - 16:00)

Policy rate
+ 2%

Provision of the daily liquidity shortage in the banking system

Overnight SWAP

Liquidity absorbing operations

Overnight deposit operations

(10:00 - 16:00)

Policy rate
- 2%

Absorbing daily excess of liquidity in the banking system

Deposit auctions

On 7 days
(every Thursday)
(11:00 - 11:30)

Policy rate

Absorbing temporary excess of liquidity in the banking system

Central bank’s bonds

Up to 12 months

(schedule based)
(11:00 - 11:30)

Policy rate
+ 2%
(upper bond)

Absorbing structural excess of liquidity in the banking system




Liquidity provision operations

1. REPO auctions – is a bilateral transaction in which the Central Bank buys securities from credit institutions and then sells them after a certain period of time at a predetermined price.

The central bank sets the repo rate - at the level of the policy rate - which is the price for the funds raised in a repo transaction. The subject of the purchase and sale is government securities and bonds of the Central Bank.

For details, see the Regulation "On the Procedure for Concluding and Executing Repo Transactions with State Securities of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

2. FX SWAP auctions – is a bilateral currency exchange transaction (spot transactions) with the condition to reverse the transaction after a certain time at a predetermined rate (forward transactions).

When calculating the forward rate, the policy rate of the central bank is used as the value of the national currency. The subject of the transaction is the foreign currency.

3. Overnight REPO and Overnight FX SWAP operations are standing facilities, one-day transactions at a rate of "policy rate + 2%".

Liquidity absorbing operations

1. Central bank’s bonds – issuable securities of the Central Bank, issued in electronic form and entitling the holder of the bond to receive income in the prescribed manner.

For details, see the Regulation “On the Procedure for Issuing and Circulating Bonds of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan”

2. Deposit auctions – Central Bank operations to attract money from commercial banks for deposits at the policy rate. These auctions are carried out in the form of “fixed rate – full allotment” from March, 2022.

For details, see the Regulation “On the Procedure for Conducting Deposit Operations with Commercial Banks of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan”

3. Overnight deposit - standing facilities, one-day transactions at a rate of "policy rate - 2%".



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